Why Barefoot??

Because being barefoot to me is being raw. Feeling every sharp rock, lush clover, spiky thistle, cushioned blade of grass, slimy covered stones, fragrant feathered flowers, cereal of sand, bead of water, element of litter, and the mash of mud.

Being Barefoot is the promise of prancing in the moonlight, leaping in the waves, running through a meadow, dancing on the porch, and doing all this while enduring a long journey to the end.

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Crandell Lake

My family hiked to Crandell Lake, it is something I have always wanted to do but haven't. I have had such a year of wonderful "DO's" I feel so blessed.

My eating has been really bad this week I am dreading weigh in but not really because it always keeps me honest, I can do this, I have done it, I can keep doing it.

Do I regret the bad eating no not really, but I also know it doesn't make me feel good like it use too, I don't get the rush out of it like I use to even when I am eating something I don't usually eat meaning treats, or cheese, or white bread, I hear this voice saying yes I am eating this right now but I don't need it anymore, I am eating it right now but this is my OLD LIFE. I have a different life now, and I like my different life. I like the way this body makes me feel and eating this food continually will keep me from having this body and feeling like I do. I DON'T WANT THAT. I love making good food choices, I love eating vegetables, I love eating small portion of healthy food.

Here is one more picture of me at Crandell and another one of my checks or DO'S. YEAH BARB, YEAH ME, GO GO GO, YES FALL DOWN BUT GET BACK UP AND KEEP RUNNING!!!!!!

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