Why Barefoot??

Because being barefoot to me is being raw. Feeling every sharp rock, lush clover, spiky thistle, cushioned blade of grass, slimy covered stones, fragrant feathered flowers, cereal of sand, bead of water, element of litter, and the mash of mud.

Being Barefoot is the promise of prancing in the moonlight, leaping in the waves, running through a meadow, dancing on the porch, and doing all this while enduring a long journey to the end.

Sunday, October 31, 2010


My two year sees me tying up my running shoes, runs up stairs and brings me back my Pocatello 1/2 marathon medal. I put it on just to see her smile and she looks up at me and say’s “Go mommy go!”

How can I fail her.
How can I fail myself.
How can I fail God.

I can’t and I won’t.


  1. Yay Maggie! Way to keep your mom motivated.

  2. You hit the 90lbs mark and you look great!
    Love the top you picked out for me on your 5K weekend! Great taste.

  3. You have the cutest kid because you are a great mom and example to them.
