Why Barefoot??

Because being barefoot to me is being raw. Feeling every sharp rock, lush clover, spiky thistle, cushioned blade of grass, slimy covered stones, fragrant feathered flowers, cereal of sand, bead of water, element of litter, and the mash of mud.

Being Barefoot is the promise of prancing in the moonlight, leaping in the waves, running through a meadow, dancing on the porch, and doing all this while enduring a long journey to the end.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Pounds and cars

3,500 calories equals one pound of body weight.

I really love this statistic. It helps me remember that it is not just the one piece of cake that will do it but eating cake everyday or the whole cake will make a difference. I lost one pound this week, and honestly I am very excited about that pound because I wasn't exercising. I was resting my foot for the race on SATURDAY. I am really happy that I just did it by being aware of what was touching my lips. I am really liking the feeling of being hungry again, but it is a different hungry than before I am not trying to fill holes or numb feelings, it is a "I am taking care of my body hungry".

I often compare my body to a car, because it is the vehicle for my spirit's journey on earth. So now when I am hungry it feels more like the gas tank is almost empty, I can also say, what I am I going to put in it high octane super fuel, which means I am not going to have to fill it up as often, or the junky stuff, which my body will use faster and go through more of?

Viewing my physical body as a vehicle helps me take a third person view of its features. I tend to look at myself as the whole package deal instead of "thighs", "stomach", or "behind". Every vehicle has it's selling features, for instance my eyes, and neck are some of my favourite things, and so I highlight this by wearing necklaces. Every vehicle also has different designs for itself. A Hummer is a Hummer and the world needs Hummers there are perfect for what they are used for. Economy cars are perfect for what they are used for. Even a convertible is perfect for what they are used for. We never expect a car to be perfect at something it is not designed for. We might get upset when the convertible gets stuck in a four foot snow drift but really we can't blame it because it is not designed for that. We also can't get upset when we have to pay more gas for the Hummer because that is not what it is designed for. The trick is too highlight our selling features, and realize what we are capable of and designed for. The other great thing is we aren't just one vehicle we can be many different ones.

Here are some ones I have pictured my self to be.

This is a love van, not in a naughty sense, but it is fun vehicle that will give anyone a ride to where they need to go. It is accepting of all people, it is up for adventure, it is has the need to visit places that people would not expect.

This is a All terrain vehicle, it can get through everything and anything, it is tough looking on the outside but surprisingly comfortable on the inside. This is a tough strong car. Don't forget this original design was an army vehicle, and yes I believe my hummer has been through a few wars.

This is my mommy vehicle it too has room to carry 5 other beings they all travel together, and are very close. This vehicle is very sensible, and accommodating.

This is a newer vehicle, and it is FANCY, it is still not as flashy or cocky as a sports car, but this vehicle says I have got my stuff together, and I have earned this. You don't just get this vehicle by chance, it is something worked, and sacrificed for. Right now this is my favourite vehicle.

A few more days until the race I am deliciously excited.


  1. Oh what a fun post Barb!! Love the car comparison, it's a good one!! Oh you have fun running that race and finishing that race!! Cheering you on WHEW HEW!! YA BARB!! GO GO GO!!!

  2. And Mr. Jesse Salmon, you sure do have a catch!

  3. Can't wait to hear about the race. I know how much goes into preparing... what a journey.
