Why Barefoot??

Because being barefoot to me is being raw. Feeling every sharp rock, lush clover, spiky thistle, cushioned blade of grass, slimy covered stones, fragrant feathered flowers, cereal of sand, bead of water, element of litter, and the mash of mud.

Being Barefoot is the promise of prancing in the moonlight, leaping in the waves, running through a meadow, dancing on the porch, and doing all this while enduring a long journey to the end.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010


1. to give food to; supply with nourishment: to feed a child.
2. to yield or serve as food for: This land has fed 10 generations.
3. to provide as food.
4. to furnish for consumption.
5. to satisfy; minister to; gratify
6. to supply for maintenance or operation, as to a machine: to feed paper into a photocopier.
7. to provide with the necessary materials for development, maintenance, or operation: to feed a printing press with paper.
8. to use (land) as pasture.
11. (esp. of animals) to take food; eat: cows feeding in a meadow; to feed well.
12. to be nourished or gratified; subsist: to feed on grass; to feed on thoughts of revenge.
13. food, esp. for farm animals, as cattle, horses or chickens.
14. an allowance, portion, or supply of such food.

1. to take into the mouth and swallow for nourishment; chew and swallow (food).
2. to consume by or as if by devouring gradually
8. to consume food; take a meal: We'll eat at six o'clock.
10.eats, Informal . food.
—Verb phrases
13. eat up,
a. to consume wholly.
b. to show enthusiasm for; take pleasure in: The audience ate up everything he said.
c. to believe without question.

These two words have been plaguing my mind this week. I often say to myself when I am wanting food but not needing it "Barb what are you feeding??"

First let me touch on eating, I am trying to eat. I want to "take into the mouth and swallow for nourishment; chew and swallow (food)." I want to do it with enthusiasm and to take pleasure in it. It has been a hard thing for me this week. I have found that eating this week has been painful because I know my body needs food and I know that I only want to give it good food, but it seems like a lot of effort. It just seems like a lot more work to make a salad instead of making Mac n cheese. I do not understand why I feel this way. In reality it takes about the same time. It is very frustrating.

Next is the word Feed.
You have to understand that I come from an agriculture background (meaning I grew up on a small farm) so when you talk about feed or feeding it is always in reference to animals. Animals that have to be provided for, taken care of when you feed animals you are doing so with a purpose. You want the animals fat so you can sell them for more or they will produce more milk/eggs. Or they will be healthy so you can get work out of them. When you feed animals there is always other purposes in mind it is a win/win situation. Ranchers and Farmers will always look for the best deal of feed to buy often it is about quantity not quality.

So don't get me wrong I do feel like we do have to "feed our selves" but where the thinking has changed for me is that we don't have to feed our selves with food. Instead I would like to feed myself with scripture, long baths, early morning runs, talking to a friend, praying, going to the temple, good stories/books, dancing, walking in dewy meadows, and hugging my children and spouse.

No proper farmer would feed his animals once a week or month they would not yield anything from them. You have to consistently feed them in order to get results. Which brings me to the next word that has infected my brain this week.

2. steadfast adherence to the same principles, course, form, etc.: There is consistency in his pattern of behavior.
3. agreement, harmony, or compatibility
4. the condition of cohering or holding together and retaining form; solidity or firmness.

I believe in consistency, I believe that whatever you do consistently is what you are. So if for example you go consistently to church you will be a church goer and receive consequences for that action. I also that you don't have to be perfect to be consistent we are after all human. You can still consistently do something with out being perfect, life happens, so you will not be able to be perfect in most things, but you can be consistent.

What I don't understand is why consistency is such a hard concept for the human to grasp. It seems to me that any person that is consistent in anything sees success in that area that he/she is consistent in doing ie exercise, drug use or business. We have been told this over and over again "Keep the commandments" "Don't go crazy on food storage just get a little at a time" "Just plant a garden every year" "Go to the temple at least once a month where possible" "Prayer every day not just when you need it." "Read scriptures every day"

Anyway I don't know why but I haven't been able to really grasp this whole concept why is it so important to be consistent?

But I did receive what I thought was an answer this week, in Mormon 9:9,
"For do we not read that God is the same yesterday, today, and forever, and in him there is no variableness neither shadow of changing?"

which also made me think of Matthew 4:48
"Be ye therefore perfect, even as your Father which is in heaven is perfect."

So IS being consistent in the way we do things, our key in becoming perfect like our Father?
Perhaps so.
How does this tie in with weight loss? Well if I am consistent in eating good food, journaling what I eat, exercising, and feeding myself through other means than food, I will be successful in that area.
Anyway that is some serious "Food for thought" (no pun intended)!


  1. Do you want a cookie? J/K I know that I eat cookies as a comfort food, so I am trying to not eat any this week. Good luck to both of us:)

  2. I found a website with more Montana races. There is one on Oct 16 in Great Falls and one in Missoula. These would be closer, but a week sooner. www.runmt.com click on race calendar
    What do you think?

  3. eat= devour gradually? interesting thought. I think you got it. Consistency equals success. To be successful you have to work hard. You can't work hard once in awhile and expect results. Also, if you are consistent you are improving and that is all that is asked of us. Try to do better all the time in whatever you do and sometimes that can lead to perfection in a particular area.

  4. Thanks Barb, for the "Food for thought"! I love following your thought process, it is spiritual and meaningful. Yhanks for being such a great role model and inspiration!

  5. You truly are an inspiration! Thanx for all your comments and thoughts.
