Why Barefoot??

Because being barefoot to me is being raw. Feeling every sharp rock, lush clover, spiky thistle, cushioned blade of grass, slimy covered stones, fragrant feathered flowers, cereal of sand, bead of water, element of litter, and the mash of mud.

Being Barefoot is the promise of prancing in the moonlight, leaping in the waves, running through a meadow, dancing on the porch, and doing all this while enduring a long journey to the end.

Tuesday, January 4, 2011


"When it is dark enough you can see the stars."
- Persain Proverb

Christmas was HARD. So no I didn't give my self the hundred pounds for Christmas.

Life is HARD. My Goliath keeps appearing and I don't feel like I have any stones left to hit him with. By now you should all know that this blog is an outlet for me. By writing this blog it helps me process what is really going on in my head, and with my eating. It usually doesn't mean I am as grumpy or as sad, or as heart broken as it sounds.

What is really quite humorous to me, is that I know, that my Goliath will always be with me, I know that, so WHY am I so surprised when he come thundering out of the valley to challenge me?

I guess he just wears so many different cloaks, and I just never feel prepared to go to battle with him. I honestly feel like I am still trying on the Kings armour EVERY time. I want to someday just be able to run out to meet him on the field with stones ready in my pocket.

The thing I found out about this battle, this time is that food doesn't work any more. It doesn't numb me any more. That is a little sad for me. And to be totally honest maddening.

On the up side Swinging my Kettlebell does. But unfortunately it is not as easy to access as food is.

I will win my battle with Goliath every time, because HE IS NOT THE BOSS OF ME. But man oh man I get so tired of the fighting.

Ok with all of that said.

I ran a 5k on December 31, in Lethbridge. The race was called the "Resolution Run" it was awesome. Pictures and maybe even video since Jesse got a video camera for Christmas might make an appearance on the next blog. It started at 6pm it was only -15 Celsius hardly any wind, about 200 people, the paths were mostly clear, I ran the whole way except for at the first because to many people. My great husband toted the children around the whole course with them yelling "go mom go".

I used to different running chants in my head. The first is my stand by chant.

I'm healthy, I'm strong, I'm everything that I need to be I am a daughter of God, I am a daughter of God.

The second was a new one I made up just for this race because it was a "Resolution Race"

155, Legacy 1/2, and Pocatello Full

These of course being my personal resolutions for the year.

I want to hit my goal weight this year of 155 pounds. Which is 32.6 pounds away.

I want to run the Legacy 1/2 marathon. Which is only 21 weeks away.

I want to run the Pocatello Marathon. Which is only 8 months away.

So even though I am currently standing in the shadow of my Goliath and his shadow is so large that it blocks out the light. I just need to remember to look UP so that I can see the stars.
Love ya all and Happy New Year.


  1. 98 pounds is definately something to look UP to. That is so great Barb. I mean Really!
    The Kettlebell sounds interesting.It's always good to change things up once in awhile. I'll have to see what that is all about.

  2. Oh Ya Barb! Look UP and you'll see the stars and the sun!! You are doing Great and that which does not kill us makes us stronger, so hang in there, you're getting stronger and stronger!!

    Yup, you are right, twin beds is the thing. (How's that for random?)

    Can't wait to do the kettlebells, and Hang tough, this too shall pass!

  3. Twin beds? What are you two taking about?

    Is the Legacy only 1/2 marathon or is there a 5k too? I really want to do this for sure. Plus if it is cold I will have to find a cute "cold outfit" to wear :) No sparkle skirts though, huh?

  4. I wish I didn't have to work this week so I could have stayed for your Kettle Bell Class and learn all about it!

    I know what you mean about using your blog for a mind empty/organizer of your thoughts so you can sort out things and figure things out and vent.

  5. You forgot the part about missing your Mom that made Christmas extra hard. Go 155!

  6. barb -- you amaze me. seriously, 98 pounds is UNREAL. you go girl!

  7. Barb, I am so impressed with you as a person, Look "forward" you have to just move in the right directions and push that Goliath under the front tire a couple of times... maybe he will stay in the trunk for awhile!! Love you tons friend.

  8. Barb - You are a total inspiration to me - and I am sad I missed the kettle bells tonight. It would have been a great diversion..... So I want you to know that I packed Goliath is my suitcase - and you need not worry about him this week. Keep your chin up - you'll make it!!!

  9. Hi Barbsie! I don't know how to feel about your goals...because I wanted to do the Pocatello 10K this year. (I checked the past years' results and I totally think I could place well! Ha ha ha.) BUT, I am signed up for whatever your first marathon is no matter what. Maybe I could run the 10K and then meet you on the course and run the rest with you. I wish they didn't stagger the start times. Anyway, we will figure it out. LOVE YOU. xoxoxox

  10. Hey, Barb. Let me know if you need a rock or two for hurling. I might be able to help you out, i.e., training plans, loseit.com, swapping war stories :-)
    Great goals. We'll for sure see you at the Legacy and possibly Pocatello... decisions, decisions.
