Why Barefoot??

Because being barefoot to me is being raw. Feeling every sharp rock, lush clover, spiky thistle, cushioned blade of grass, slimy covered stones, fragrant feathered flowers, cereal of sand, bead of water, element of litter, and the mash of mud.

Being Barefoot is the promise of prancing in the moonlight, leaping in the waves, running through a meadow, dancing on the porch, and doing all this while enduring a long journey to the end.

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

36 vs 2.5

I have slowly come to the realization that I have lived for 34 years one way and have lived 2.5 years another. So why am I so surprised when the urges to fall back into the last 34 years of my life come so STRONG.

My darling Sara performed her play, that she has been working on since November. All of us were there opening night, it was great. We all get into the car and my first instinct is to................... take everybody to DQ for treats, burgers, fries. Thank goodness I was well aware in the moment, and could zip my lips. It was a long ride home for me as I started to ponder why that feeling was so strong. Then came the flash backs of Rotary Club speech festival and DQ, basketball game and DQ, special time with Dad and DQ. OHHHHHHHHHH!

Now let me set the record straight I was raised wonderfully, I have great parents. I am just choosing something different. But what is so fascinating for me is that pre-programmed response on how to nurture or celebrate with my children using food is so strong. That is until I realized that yeah Barb it is 34 years strong and it will probably take another 34 years before it is really hardwired into that thick skull. But even then, those childhood memories especially those precious ones that leave you feeling warm cozy, secure, loved, celebrated, and just over all high are pretty hard to let go of.

So how did we celebrate we drove home and talked about our favourite parts, songs, and costumes, and you know what Sara did feel celebrated, loved, secure, and cozy. Without food imagine!!



  1. Perfect! I have been falling hard back into my previous 36 years. Not too far back thank goodness but enough that I started worrying. The crazy thing is that my husband has finally come around to wanting to change and I am resisting his change. Why? I think living healthy and exercising has been my thing for the last 2 1/2 years and I'll no longer be the "special" one. Crazy!!! Good luck to us both as we fight our old selves!

  2. Excellent insight Barb! You are developing new habits and a new way of being in the world, it will come, you are Winning!!! "Keep on keeping on." As my mother would say!

  3. 2 POINTS FOR THE BARB I KNOW AND LOVE! Me versus it - - - this is what we are here for!! Well done, and thanks for sharing.

  4. Good job to be in control. Self-control isn't easy. Food is good. You have to find a happy medium.

  5. Just what I needed today Barb!Thanks for sharing.

  6. ......and Sarah did great! She loves the stage Barb!

  7. I love this post. What a great insight into my own experience. I first noticed the tendency to celebrate with food when we decided as a family to save money by eating out less. It was surprisingly hard to limit ourselves to eating out only once a week, and it was also hard to think of ways to reward our children other than by giving them treats. Like you say, it's hard to change something you've been doing most of your life.
