Why Barefoot??

Because being barefoot to me is being raw. Feeling every sharp rock, lush clover, spiky thistle, cushioned blade of grass, slimy covered stones, fragrant feathered flowers, cereal of sand, bead of water, element of litter, and the mash of mud.

Being Barefoot is the promise of prancing in the moonlight, leaping in the waves, running through a meadow, dancing on the porch, and doing all this while enduring a long journey to the end.

Thursday, February 9, 2012

I am a recovering obese woman.

I was reminded today,in group that obesity is a chronic disease . This is something I will fight the rest of my life, and if I don't fight it then my condition will return, and will possible become worse. And so I am going to try out these words on people.

"No, I can't and won't eat that I am a recovering obese woman"

I mean if Alcoholics can say it why can't I??


  1. Barb, I've never commented on your blog, but I've been following it for quite a while. It's always fun to see you around town, but it has been amazing to get to read your blog and really learn about this process for you. Thanks for sharing your story. It's very inspiring.

    And you know what, I think we are all recovering "something or others" in our own personal ways. Does that make sense? Some struggles are more visible then others, but that constant fight we have with our own weaknesses is exactly what makes us stronger;)

    You're amazing!

  2. I'm lucky to live in a culture where I don't have to explain to people why I don't drink alcohol every time it's offered to me. Unfortunately, the same isn't true of unhealthy food. It feels like it's always a big scene if I turn down high-colorie or high-sodium food. People act like it's this big deal because I don't eat unhealthy at every meal. When people ask me why I'm on a diet, I don't ask them why they *aren't* on a diet.

    1. You are hilarious, it is so true every time I have turned down food, it has never been positive or even not a big deal. Always such a fuss.

  3. This post is so true. And I not only agree but also understand the food issues that bdz pointed out. It is frustrating when people not only do not accept the fact you declined, they make a big deal out of it just because they do not understand.

    'I give unto men weakness that they may become strong" is something I have been telling myself a lot lately. Weakness is there to help us grow, and draw closer to our Heavenly Parents. It will be harder at times than at others, but we can keep on truckin' through because when we are at our weakest, we can always ask for help to carry onto the moment or step, or struggle we face. We are never alone, and by learning to humble ourselves as we battle through life, we are better able to grow and strenghten through the refiner's fire.

    You are a continual inspiration to me, Barb. Thanks for your willingness to share all of your story so that I know it is okay to stumble one day because there is proof I can rise again even when I cannot see it in my own life experiences.

    Thanks for being a blessing in my life.

    1. Crystal your great thanks for the affirmation that I am not alone.

  4. Hey,you just go ahead and "Say what needs to be said!!" I guess we are such social creatures that it's hard to see someone doing what we should be doing! It's hard on the ego I guess and so down the path of least resistence,(have the other guy "mess up" with you rather than do the "right thing" with him!! (Oh that was a bit wordy, but that is my thoughts at the moment and keep on keeping on, we aren't going to get out any easier!!

  5. Just eat a gigantic apple next time you want a cookie:)
