Why Barefoot??

Because being barefoot to me is being raw. Feeling every sharp rock, lush clover, spiky thistle, cushioned blade of grass, slimy covered stones, fragrant feathered flowers, cereal of sand, bead of water, element of litter, and the mash of mud.

Being Barefoot is the promise of prancing in the moonlight, leaping in the waves, running through a meadow, dancing on the porch, and doing all this while enduring a long journey to the end.

Saturday, July 23, 2011

Dear Self

I am writing to tell you that I forgive you!
Yes I forgive you for
*the hotdogs
*the smores
*the cake
*the muffins
*the licorice
*the granola bars
*the ice cream
*the chocolate chips
*the cup cakes
*the lack of food journaling
and even
* the extra five pounds
I understand that you are stressed about a lot of things. I understand that you are trying to "enjoy" your summer. I want you to remember and know that I love you! I want you to know and remember that you are a daughter of God, and because of this you always have his power, love and ability to repent with you! Remember to be nice to yourself, remember to treat yourself the way you treat others including your children. Remember you are important. Remember:
The power behind you is greater than the problem in front of you.
Get up and get back on! You can do this, and remember that you want to do this! Please help yourself, your the only one that can. Keep asking your Heavenly Father to help you. He has helped us in the past and He will help us again. We can do this! We will do this! We are doing this! Love you so much!


  1. Thanks Barb! I am in the same spot right now too!

    We can do this! We can lose those extra pounds put on recently, and more!
    Love you, girl!

  2. Just remind yourself how far you have come, give yourself a break and move on. LOVE YOU!!
